We understand that these are unprecedented times for everyone, especially international students who came to Australia looking for the amazing experience of studying abroad. However, as you might know, the Australian Government has decided that, in order to limit the spread of this disease, it is in the interest of all individuals to limit their social interactions and the time they spend outside. This includes schools and any other facilities that involves group gatherings.
That’s why we decided to create the Academic and Social Hub, an online platform where students can keep improving their English skills, keep learning and have the much needed social interaction with their school friends – all of this online!
Because you are already at home, you might as well spend one hour of your afternoon and learn extra vocabulary, get some IELTS tips, improve your pronunciation or do some yoga or dance with us!

In addition to these extra classes and “sporting” activities we have arranged a qualifies counsellor to support any students in need, on a fortnightly bases. You just need to book your counselling sessions in advance.
Please contact us for any additional information.
Stay safe everyone!